Visiting Teachers

Skilled and Compassionate Guidance Vallecitos Mountain Retreat Center guided meditation retreats are led by the most skilled and capable teachers...

Carol Cano

Carol Cano, M.A., began her practice over 30 years ago at Wat Kow Tahm in Thailand and has actively engaged in building communities and teaching Dharma internationally. Carol is Founder and Executive Director of Braided Wisdom, a BIPOC led cross-cultural mindfulness organization. She is a graduate of the 2017-2020 Spirit Rock Meditation Center’s Teacher Training program and a teacher at Spirit Rock often. She is a core teacher and a former board member of East Bay Meditation Center. Carol co-founded Philippine Insight Meditation Community in the Philippines. Her unique teachings are deeply grounded in Basque, Native American and Buddhist influences that braid the Dharma along indigenous wisdom and Earth-based practices. Her psychology background gives her a unique view into the human condition, which helps her hold community in a compassionate and confident manner. Carol reminds us to keep grounded in our hearts as we uphold spiritual ideals and encourages us to remain balanced within the demands of modern life. Please learn more at and connect with us @BraidedWisdom on Instagram and Facebook.

Events with Carol Cano

Serenity in Surrender: Discovering the Power of Letting Go
June 1 - 7, 2025

In a world that constantly pushes us to do more, get more and be more, what if contentment lies in “doing” the opposite – slowing down, turning inward, and letting go? For some, the idea of letting go might feel abstract, confusing, or even overwhelming; however, thanks to the ancient and bountiful teachings of both nature and Buddhism, we can find the lessons to guide us. This retreat offers a chance to attune to the mountains, trees, water, and wildlife while we gather in community to explore letting go. Join Carol and Amana for guided meditations, gentle movement, Dharma talks,…